MOOC - Introduction to Grid Computing

This page includes the complete course material as presented during the SURFsara MOOC Introduction to Grid Computing:


As of 18 November 2013, SURFsara offered the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to Grid Computing. The course aimed to help researchers to understand the Grid key concepts and the role of Grid Computing in computationally intensive problems. This included working with portals, workflow management systems and the Grid middleware.

The taught material consists of:

  • a set of video lectures.

  • a set of quizzes, assignments and exercises.

  • real world examples of use cases on Grid.


The mooc participants were provided with student accounts and a preconfigured Virtual Machine (VM) with all the necessary Grid tools installed. If you want to run the examples presented in the video lectures below you will have to request your personal Grid account, see Prerequisites. Please contact if you need help with this.


The entire course video lectures can be found in the MOOC Video lectures.

Course Overview

Course Overview slides pdf

Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing

Intro to Parallel and Distributed Computing pdf

Cluster Computing

Cluster Computing pdf

Grid Computing Overview

Grid Computing Overview pdf


Grid Glossary pdf

Hands-on set

Exercises Distributed Cluster Grid pdf

Quiz Distributed Cluster Grid pdf

Working Environment - Grid prerequisites

Working Environment_I Grid prerequisites pdf

Working Environment - Remote access

Working Environment II Remote access pdf

Code gridpi tar

Grid Certificate - Security

Grid Certificate I (security) pdf

Grid Certificate I (extras) pdf

Obtain a Grid Certificate

Grid Certificate II (Obtaining a certificate) pdf

User Interface machine

User Interface machine pdf

Virtual Organisations

Virtual Organisations pdf

Hands-on set

Exercises Install Certificate pdf

Quiz_Install Certificate pdf

Grid job Lifecycle

Grid job Lifecycle pdf

Start a Grid_Session

Start a Grid Session pdf

My First Grid job

My First Grid job pdf

Code MyFirstJob tar

Grid Toolkit

Grid Toolkit pdf

Hands-on set

Quick start guide pdf

Exercises First Grid job pdf

Quiz_First Grid job pdf

Application_submission to Grid I

Application submission to Grid I script pdf

Code script tar

Application_submission to Grid II

Application submission to Grid II executable pdf

Code compiled tar

Advanced Grid jobs I

Advanced Grid jobs I Collections & Parametric pdf

Code Collections Parametric tar

Advanced Grid jobs II

Advanced Grid jobs II Multicore pdf

Code multicore tar

Data parallel processing Hadoop

Data parallel processing Hadoop pdf

Hands-on set

Exercises Advanced Jobs pdf

Quiz Advanced Jobs pdf

Data Management on the Grid I

Data Management on the Grid I pdf

Data Management on the Grid II

Data Management on the Grid II pdf

Data Management on the Grid III

Data Management on the Grid III pdf

Code DMlargefiles tar

Storage Resource Manager

Storage Resource manager pdf

Code DMsrm tar

Hands-on set

Exercises_Data Management pdf

Quiz_Data Management pdf

Introduction to Workflows I

Introduction to Workflows I pdf

Introduction to Workflows II

Introduction to Workflows II pdf

WS-Pgrade I

WSpgrade I pdf

WS-Pgrade II

WSpgrade II pdf

Science Gateways

Science Gateways pdf

Hands-on set

Exercises Workflows pdf

Code Exercises Workflows tar

Code Solutions Workflows tar

Quiz Workflows pdf

Pilot Job Frameworks

Pilot job frameworks pdf

Picas Server side I

Picas server side I pdf

Picas Server side II

Picas server side II pdf

Picas client side

Picas client side pdf

Picas practise I

Code Picas tar

Picas practise II

Code Picas tar

Course Summary

Course summary pdf

Use cases

Use case: EGI overview

EGI overview pdf

Use case: LOFAR

Extreme physics in space pdf

Use case: Climate change over Europe

Climate change pdf

Use case: VisIVO Science Gateway

VisIVO Science Gateway pdf

Use case: Picas

Picas pdf

Use case: Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology pdf


We have prepared a set of animations to display the basic usage of Grid Infrastructure. The animations were presented during the lectures.


The work is supported by the EGI-InSPIRE project (Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe), co-funded by the European Commission (contract number: RI-261323) for four years from the 1st of May 2010. EGI-InSPIRE is a collaborative effort involving more than 50 institutions in over 40 countries. Its mission is to establish a sustainable European Grid Infrastructure (EGI).