.. _fts: ************ *fts* client ************ This page includes the basic commands to use the FTS (File Transfer Service). For an overview of storage clients, see :ref:`storage-clients`. .. contents:: :depth: 3 === FTS === Introduction ============ `FTS Cern`_ is a file transfer service for reliable file transfers across sites or else, *third party* transfers. FTS queues, schedules and performs transfers, retrying it if necessary. You cannot use it to transfer files from your local machine to dCache and vice-versa. FTS service has been running for years. It was developed by Cern as the service responsible for distributing the majority of LHC data across the WLCG infrastructure, up to petabytes per month. From the user perspective, it allows data movement, retrying if necessary, monitoring and displaying usage statistics, see `FTS wiki`_. From the operations view, it optimises resource usage. The wisdom of FTS is the *Optimiser* which decides whether to increase or decrease the amount of transfers attempted at a time. It evaluates any symptoms of saturation and decreases the number of parallel transfers when there is an increase of recoverable errors, or the throughput worsens. FTS has a REST API and supports several transfer protocols, such as: GridFTP, SRM, Webdav/HTTPS, xroot. It also supports several clients, such as: standard clients (e.g. curl), Python bindings, FTS CLI. SURFsara FTS instance ===================== Our FTS instance can be found at: `SURFsara FTS UI`_. The site can be accessed when you have a certificate installed in your browser. The FTS UI provides a sophisticated and easy to use web interface for transfer management and monitoring. The SURFsara FTS Rest API can be used from command-line clients or python bindings. Currently we do not support the WebFTS browser view. The Cern website offers several examples to interact with the API with python, see `FTS Easy Bindings`_. The FTS command-line client is currently installed on the UI ``ui.grid.surfsara.nl`` and the API can be reached in port ``8446``. The following graph depicts the FTS transfer lifecycle: .. image:: /Images/Using_the_File_Transfer_Service.png .. comment: Image source is at https://www.websequencediagrams.com/?lz=dGl0bGUgVXNpbmcgdGhlIEZpbGUgVHJhbnNmZXIgU2VydmljZQoKcGFydGljaXBhbnQgVXNlciBJbnRlcmZhY2UADg1GVFMAHg1TdG9yYWdlIEVsZW1lbnQgMQABHTIKCgBODiAtPiBGVFM6IGZ0cy10AIEOBy1zdWJtaXQKCmxvb3AgZm9yIGVhY2ggZmlsZSBpbiBqb2IKICBGVFMgLT4AbhI6IHByZXBhcmUANAUASwgAFxoyAAEwMTogc3RhcnQAUAwAgXURAFMXR3JpZEZUUACBRQYAICAAghMFcmVzdWx0AFATMgATEGVuZACCNyd0YXR1cwoAgjoHAINeDgBoCQo&s=roundgreen Authentication ============== To use the :abbr:`FTS (File Transfer Service)` you need to create a local proxy. The fts submit command automatically delegates the proxy to the :abbr:`FTS (File Transfer Service)` server. The default lifetime is 12 hours. This means that you need to submit an fts command at least once every 12h to renew the delegation, e.g. by checking the status of the transfers with an ``fts-transfer-status`` command. When the remaining lifetime of the stored proxy passes under 4 hours, fts-transfer-submit will automatically delegate a new one as long as there is a valid *local proxy*. In our FTS instance that can be found at: `SURFsara FTS UI`_ we limit the access to only some VOs, upon request. You will need a proxy with a voms extension before you can use the rest interface. .. note:: To run the examples in this page you need to have a valid local proxy. The ``voms-proxy-init`` tool can be used to generate a proxy with :abbr:`VOMS (Virtual Organization Membership Service)` attributes from the personal certificate. Alternatively, you can use the startGridSession tool available on the SURFsara UIs. See also :ref:`startgridsession-explained`. First, create a proxy with your VO attributes on the UI: .. code-block:: console $startGridSession lsgrid #replace lsgrid with your own VO FTS file transfers ================== Submit a transfer ----------------- The ``fts-transfer-submit`` command submits transfer-jobs by specifying the source and destination file location. The file location can be a :abbr:`SURL (Storage URL)`, :abbr:`TURL (Transport URL)` or HTTPS link. For efficient usage of the service, it is preferred that the source and destination endpoints are GridFTP or :abbr:`SRM (Storage Resource Manager)` servers. The output of the submit command is a *unique ID* that can be used for tracing the transfer status. When the FTS transfer starts, it creates the target file with 0 bytes. If the transfer fails the target file is removed independent to the amount of bytes that had already been transferred. .. note:: We have noticed that using SURLs instead of TURLs slightly increases the performance (due to the SRM load balancer). Basic options ------------- Here are some basic options to use when initiating FTS transfers. The proposed values for retrials, parallel streams and timeout settings depend on the amount of files and volume of data to be transferred. If you need help to estimate these values, please contact us at helpdesk@surfsara.nl * ``-v``: enable verbose information * ``-s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446``: specify the fts server. * ``-K``: enable checksum. By default, adler32 is supported on the SURFsara servers. * ``--retry 2 --retry-delay 300``: in case of errors (timeouts, overwriting, etc) the file transfer will be retried after 5 minutes * ``--nostreams 4``: the longer the distance between the transfer endpoints, the more streams you need to achieve transfers less vulnerable to congestion * ``--timeout 14400``: this option helps in case of large file transfers to make sure that the connection will not timeout before the transfer is complete. If you omit this option, the default timeout is 4000 sec File transfer - TURL to TURL ---------------------------- .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-submit -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 \ $ gsiftp://gridftp.grid.sara.nl:2811/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/homer/zap.tar \ $ gsiftp://gridftp.grid.sara.nl:2811/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/penelope/zap.tar #641d3436-8af1-11eb-ad12-fa163e7fa8c6 File transfer - SURL to SURL ------------------------------ .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-submit -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 \ $ srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/zap.tar \ $ srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/penelope/zap.tar File transfer - SURL to TURL ---------------------------- .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-submit -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 \ $ srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/homer/zap.tar \ $ gsiftp://gridftp.grid.sara.nl:2811/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/penelope/zap.tar .. note:: Combinations between TURLS, SURLS, HTTPS and SRMv2 are possible. Bulk transfers -------------- If you have multiple files to transfer, you can submit the transfers in one bulk operation. Example: .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-submit -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 -f transfer-list.txt The list of transfers should have this format: .. code-block:: cfg file1-source-SURL-or-TURL file1-destination-SURL-or-TURL file2-source-SURL-or-TURL file2-destination-SURL-or-TURL ... An example: .. code-block:: cfg srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/homer/file1 srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/penelope/file1 srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/homer/file2 srm://srm.grid.sara.nl:8443/pnfs/grid.sara.nl/data/lsgrid/penelope/zap.tar/file2 More information and examples of bulk transfers and FTS in general can be found at `CERN FTS documentation`_ and `Cern FTS Git repo`_. Monitor Status ============== Command line ------------ The ``fts-transfer-submit`` command will return instantly an ID for the specific job. This ID can be used to trace the status of the transfer: .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-status -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 9e665677-76e5-4734-b729-b69e161da99a ## replace the string '9e665677-76e5-4734-b729-b69e161da99a' with your transfer job ID For bulk transfers, monitor the status overview of all submitted files with: .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-status -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 —list 9e665677-76e5-4734-b729-b69e161da99a | grep State: | sort | uniq —-count Web interface ------------- Alternative to the ``fts-transfer-status`` command, you can use the graphical interface in `SURFsara FTS UI`_ to monitor the status and trace the logging information. .. image:: /Images/fts-transfers.png At the moment any jobs are visible to anyone under any :abbr:`VO (Virtual Organisation)`, but this can be closed by our system administrators upon request, just contact us at helpdesk@surfsara.nl. Failed transfers ================ In case that you monitor any failed transfers, then once the bulk transfer finishes, collect them and resubmit only the list with the files that failed. Make a list to retry the failed transfers: .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-status -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 --list [JOBID] | grep -3 State:.*FAILED | egrep 'Source:|Destination:' | sed -e 's/ Source: //' -e 'N;s/\n Destination://' > srm_fts_retry1.txt # replace the [JOBID] with your bulk job ID Submit the failed transfers with: .. code-block:: console $fts-transfer-submit -s https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446 --retry 2 --retry-delay 300 --nostreams 4 --timeout 14400 -f srm_fts_retry1.txt >> fts_jobids Using the API with curl ======================= * Get user information: .. code-block:: console $curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates --cacert /tmp/x509up_uXXXX --cert /tmp/x509up_uXXX https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446/whoami ##replace x509up_uXXXX with your proxy location and name * Get your delegation ID: .. code-block:: console $curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates --cacert /tmp/x509up_uXXXX --cert /tmp/x509up_uXXX https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446/whoami | jq '.delegation_id' ##3d3ce1e83def1abc * Check the expiration time of our delegated credentials .. code-block:: console $curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates --cacert /tmp/x509up_uXXXX --cert /tmp/x509up_uXXXX https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446/delegation/3d3ce1e83def1abc ##{"voms_attrs": ["/lsgrid/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL]"", "termination_time": "2021-03-23T09:31:33"} ##replace 3d3ce1e83def1abc with your delegation ID * Get job information: .. code-block:: console $curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates --cacert /tmp/x509up_uXXXX --cert /tmp/x509up_uXXXX https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8446/jobs/207773b6-8af8-11eb-90ed-fa163e7fa8c6 ##replace 207773b6-8af8-11eb-90ed-fa163e7fa8c6 with your job ID .. Links: .. _`FTS Cern`: https://fts.web.cern.ch/fts/ .. _`FTS wiki`: http://fts3-docs.web.cern.ch/fts3-docs/ .. _`CERN FTS documentation`: http://fts3-docs.web.cern.ch/fts3-docs/docs/cli/cli.html .. _`Cern FTS Git repo`: https://gitlab.cern.ch/fts/fts-rest/-/tree/develop/docs/easy/examples .. _`SURFsara FTS UI`: https://fts.grid.surfsara.nl:8449/ .. _`SURFsara WebFTS`: https://webfts.grid.sara.nl:8446/ .. _`FTS Easy Bindings`: http://fts3-docs.web.cern.ch/fts3-docs/fts-rest/docs/easy/index.html