Parametric jobs

The pilot jobs use the technique of parametric jobs for the job submission to the Grid. In this page we give an example of parametric jobs:


Pilot jobs are submitted to the Grid with a specific Job Description Language type called Parametric. A parametric job causes a set of jobs to be generated from one JDL file.


In the example below, the parametric job will create 3 child jobs (see line 4) that will all run the same executable (see line 6). The value _PARAM_ will be replaced by the actual value of Parameters during the JDL expansion.

ParameterStart defines the starting value for the variation, ParameterStep the step for each variation and Parameters defines the value where the submission of jobs will stop (that value itself is not used) . The number of jobs is: (Parameters – ParameterStart) / ParameterStep

  • Log in to your User Interface.

  • Create a file with the following content describing the job requirements. Save it as parametric.jdl:

     1JobType = "Parametric";
     6Executable = "/bin/hostname";
     7Arguments = "-f";
     8StdOutput = "std_PARAM_.out";
     9StdError = "std_PARAM_.err";
    10OutputSandbox = {"std_PARAM_.out","std_PARAM_.err"};
  • You can submit the parametric job as any Grid job:

    $glite-wms-job-submit -d $USER -o jobIds parametric.jdl

In this case, 3 child jobs will be generated. Each job will generate two files: std0.out and std0.err, std1.out and std1.err, std2.out and std2.err.

  • Monitor the job status to see the the parent job URL and the 3 child jobs URLs with their status:

    $glite-wms-job-status -i jobIds
    ======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================
    Status info for the Job :
    Current Status:     Running
    Submitted:          Sat Jan 4 12:54:56 2016 CET
    - Nodes information for:
        Status info for the Job :
        Current Status:     Running
        Status Reason:      unavailable
        Submitted:          Sat Jan 4 12:54:56 2016 CET
        Status info for the Job :
        Current Status:     Running
        Status Reason:      unavailable
        Submitted:          Sat Jan 4 12:54:56 2016 CET
        Status info for the Job :
        Current Status:     Running
        Status Reason:      unavailable
        Submitted:          Sat Jan 4 12:54:56 2016 CET

This is just an example. In practice you shouldn’t send more than 50 jobs this way (Parameters=50). The parametric jobs is the technology used for submitting the pilot jobs. There is no need to monitor their status or retrieve the job output through the WMS as the pilot frameworks will take care of this.