Gina specifications

Gina is the Grid cluster at SURFsara; currently all the servers are located at the Vancis B.V. datacenter divided over two rooms. After different tenders these servers belong to different brands (Dell & Fujitsu). Three service nodes are used to host virtual machines for different purposes (creamces, monitoring, installation, dns servers...). All the worker nodes are installed on physical nodes.

This page describes the specifications for the Gina Grid cluster at SURFsara:

If you have any questions concerning the technical specifications below, please contact us at

Quick summary

Gina cluster Capacity
Operating system Linux CentOS 6.x 64bit
Total number of cores 5600 Xeon cores at 2.2 to 2.6 GHz
Total memory 41TB
Total scratch space 2100TB
Network backbone Juniper Q-Fabric Network Fabric which also connects the Grid storage

Last update: January 2016


GinA is connected to a Juniper Q-Fabric network fabric. On this fabric also the Grid storage is connected and makes high throughput possible. Currently we have seen over 20GB/sec (~170-200Gbit/sec) of peak network traffic to the Grid storage. All workernodes are connected with a single 10Gbit ethernet connection.

Worker Nodes

This is the list of the different worker nodes in order of installation/configuration from newest to oldest:

Worker Nodes am90-{01-33}, am91-{01-33}, am94-{01-33}:

*  Dell R630
*  2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24 cores)
*  192GB RAM
*  ~8000GB scratch
*  Type: Haswell architecture /w Haswell-EP cores (2014)
*  Number of nodes: 100
*  Total cores of this type: 2400
*  Scratch per core: ~300GB
*  RAM per core: 8GB

Worker Nodes ar90-{01-52}, ar91-{01-52}:

*  Fujitsu CX250
*  2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz (16 cores)
*  128GB RAM
*  ~11TB scratch
*  Type: Ivy Bridge architecture /w Ivy Bridge-EP cores (2013)
*  Number of nodes: 104
*  Total cores of this type: 1664
*  Scratch per core: ~680GB
*  RAM per core: 8GB

Worker Nodes v37-{01-12}, v33-{01-06}:

*  Dell R820
*  4x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz (32 cores)
*  256GB RAM
*  6.8TiB scratch
*  Type: Sandy Bridge architecture /w Sandy Bridge-EP cores (2012)
*  Number of nodes: 18
*  Total cores of this type: 576
*  Scratch per core: ~200GB
*  RAM per core: 8GB

Worker Nodes am95-{01-48}, v33-{17-48}:

*  Dell M610
*  2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5649  @ 2.53GHz (12 cores)
*  48GB RAM
*  ~850 GB scratch
*  Type: Nehalem architecture /w Westmere-EP cores (2011)
*  Number of nodes: 80
*  Total cores of this type: 960
*  Scratch per core: ~70GB
*  RAM per core: 4GB

Service nodes


*  Dell R420
*  2xIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz (12 cores)
*  96GB RAM
*  Number of nodes: 3
*  RAM per core: 8GB


All 3 CreamCEs are virtualized and distributed among the 3 Service Nodes. Every CreamCE has 4 cores and 9GB RAM in total.


Queue Max. CPU Time (hh:mm:ss) Max. Walltime (hh:mm:ss) VOs(group) allowed
extreme 120:00:00 120:00:00 emutd
long 96:00:00 96:00:00 geant4 atlas(production)
mediumc* n/a 72:00:00 lofar lsgrid(mediummc) pvier
medium 36:00:00 36:00:00 astron atlas alice beapps biomed dans esr geant4 lhcb lofar lsgrid omegac pvier vlemed
medium_8gb** 36:00:00 36:00:00 alice
short 04:00:00 04:00:00 astron atlas beapps biomed dans esr geant4 lhcb lofar lsgrid omegac pvier vlemed
infra 02:00:00 00:30:00 dteam ops pvier

* This is a queue for multicore jobs

** This is a queue for jobs that require 8GB per core