.. toctree:: :hidden: .. _doc-style: **************** Style guidelines **************** This page provides some style guidelines for the grid documentation. General ======= * Use simple language. Not "The command results in an effective release of the file", but "The command releases the file". Use of capitals =============== * Titles With All Capitals? -> Only the first word. * The grid or the Grid? -> The Grid. * Grid Certificate or grid certificate? -> Grid certificate. * Certificate Authority? -> First time per page "Certificate Authority (CA)", then :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` with :abbr: tag. Same for: * First time per page Life Science Grid (LSG), then LSG. * Virtual Organisation (VO), then VO. * User Interface (UI), then UI. * GridFTP, gridFTP or gridftp? GSIdCap? -> GridFTP, GSIdCap, WebDAV * OutputSandbox or output sandbox? -> * OutputSandbox is the statement in the JDL. Better: ``OutputSandbox`` statement. * output sandbox is the location where the output files are returned. * dCache (name), startGridSession (command): no capital, even at start of sentence. Acronyms ======== * In general: avoid acronyms. When you want to use them, the first occurrance on a page should explain them: Certificate Authority (CA). * Sphinx supports a :abbr: tag, see http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/inline.html#other-semantic-markup. Here's a test: :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` Shell commands ============== * When you want to display commands and their output, use ``.. code-block:: console``. Prefix each command with a ``$``, without space. .. code-block:: console $echo 'Hello World!' Hello World! * When you want to display commands and comments, use ``.. code-block:: bash``. Don't prefix commands. Example: .. code-block:: bash # 1. VOMS server: create a voms proxy with voms extensions that enables you to access the Grid for *12 hours*. voms-proxy-init --voms lsgrid # Replace lsgrid with your VO * When you want to display commands, output and comments, use ``.. code-block:: console``. Prefix commands with a ``$`` and prefix comments with ``##``, otherwise they are marked up as a command. Example: .. code-block:: console $echo 'Hello World!' Hello World! ## Comments should be prefixed with a double ``#``. * To display the contents of a shell script, use ``.. code-block:: bash``. * To display perl, use ``.. code-block:: perl``. If a page only displays perl code, you can use ``.. highlight:: perl`` once and then ``::`` for each code block. * To display configuration files, use ``.. code-block:: cfg``. Markup ====== * ``literal markup`` for: * pieces of code * commands * arguments * file names, hostnames * a specific term, when emphasis is on its name: * Example: a language called ``job description language`` * But: a JDL file is written in the job description language. * configuration file statements and values * **Bold** for strong emphasis. Example: "**Only you** are allowed to know the contents of this key." * *italic* for moderate emphasis. Example: "You can continue only *after you* have completed the preparations."